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日期:2010/2/5 网络
DS-160 非移民签证电子系统常见问题
Frequently Asked Questions for the Online DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application
Important Notice:
Online Form DS-160, Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application can only be used by visa applicants applying at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate which has converted to the new electronic fully online form and process. For more information visit travel.state.gov DS-160 informational webpage for a listing of embassy locations using Form DS-160. Next, visit one of the U.S. Embassy websites using the Form DS-160 and where you will apply, to review detailed nonimmigrant visa how-to-apply instructions, in addition to these FAQs.
http://travel.state.gov网站上的DS-160 informational webpage页,此页列有已使用该表的使领馆名单。除了这些常见问题外,下一步应该访问其中一个已经使用了DS-160表格的、且你将在那申请签证的U.S. Embassy websites网站,以便了解详的关于如何申请非移民签证的说明。
Q1: Where can I find the DS-160? Q1: 我在哪里可以找到DS-160表?
A1: You can access the DS-160 from the Consular Electronic Application Center website or from the link on the U.S. Embassy or Consulate website.
A1: 你可以在Consular Electronic Application Center网站或者是从U.S. Embassy or Consulate网站上的链接访问DS-160表。
 Q2: Can my answers be in my native language? Q2: 我能用我的本国语言回答问题吗?
A2: No. All application questions, except as specially provided, must be in English, using English characters only. Applications that are submitted in any language other than English may be denied, and you may be required to submit a new application.
A2: 不能。所有的申请问题,除了特殊说明的,必须使用英文,并只能用英文字回答。递交用英文以外文字填写的申请可能会被拒绝,而你将会被要求递交一份新的申请。
 Q3: Are all fields on the DS-160 mandatory?
Q3: DS-160表上的所有项目都必须填写吗?
A3: Most fields on the DS-160 are mandatory. You may leave fields marked “Optional” blank. Some fields may also give you the option to select “Does Not Apply”. If that field does not apply to you, you may mark the box next to “Does Not Apply.” All other fields must be completed: the application will not allow you to submit a form with any mandatory fields left blank. In this instance, an error message will be displayed and you will be required to complete the field before continuing with the application. If you do not answer questions that apply, your form may also be rejected.
A3: DS-160表上大部分的项目是必填的。注有“可选择”的项目你可以空着。有些项目也提供了“不适用”的选项。如果有些项目不适用于你,你可以在“不适用”字样旁打勾。其余所有的项目都必须填写,如果有任一必填项目是空白的话,系统将不允许你递交这份表格。在此情况下,屏幕显示“错误”信息提示,你只有将空白项目填写完整后才能继续申请。如果你对适用的问题未作出回答,你的表格也可能会被拒绝。
Q4: What happens if I need to step away in the middle of data entry? Q4: 如果我在输入信息时中途走开,会发生什么?
The DS-160 will “time out” approximately 20 minutes after the application has been idle. The “time out” is designed to protect your privacy. If the application times out, all the data that has been entered will be lost.
A4: 申请闲置20分钟之后,DS-160表就会“中断”。“中断”是为了保护你的隐私而设计。如果申请被中断,所有已经输入的信息都将丢失。
In order to guard against possible “time out” issues you should save the application at regular intervals while you are completing the application. To save the application, click the “Save” button at the bottom center of the application. Clicking save will temporarily save your application.
In order to permanently save your application, select the “Save Application to File” button. Then, click the “Save” button on the File Download window. Identify a place on your computer to save the application file, browse to that location, and click the “Save” button on the Save As window. The system will download your application to the specified location. Once the download is complete you can click “Close” to return to the application.
You can then use the “Import Application Date” option on the “Getting Started” page to upload the data that you have already entered.
Q5: I understand that I can upload a photo with my application. How do I get a digital photo that will successfully upload to my application?
Q5: 我知道我可以在我的申请里上传照片。我如何获得一张能成功上传到我申请表上的数字照片?
A5: Please refer to the Guidelines for Photographs - for Online Visa Applications for detailed guidance for using a digital camera, and requirements for scanned images.
A5: 有关使用数码相机的详细指导和被扫描图片的要求,请参考Guidelines for Photographs - for Online Visa Applications。
Q6: The confirmation page has an "X" in the box where the photo should be. What does that mean? Q6:在确认页上搁照片的地方有个“X”。这是什么意思?
A6: That means that the photo upload failed. Therefore, you will need to submit one printed photograph meeting requirements, along with the online DS-160 confirmation page. Please verify with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you are applying for specific instructions on how to attach your photo to your confirmation page. See
A6: 这说明照片上传失败。因此,你需要在递交DS-160表确认页的同时附上一张打印好的、符合要求的照片。请和受理你申请的使领馆具体确认如何将你的照片附在确认页上。在Nonimmigrant Photograph Requirements中可以找到打印照片的格
the print photo format found in the Nonimmigrant Photograph Requirements. If the confirmation page includes a photo image, then the photo upload function has succeeded and no separate print photograph is required.
 Q7: Why did the edits I made from the review page "edit" link not save?
A7: In order for data changes made from the review page links to save, you must use the buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate, instead of the browser''s back/forward buttons or the buttons along the left of the screen.
A7: 为了保存在浏览页面上修改的信息,你必须使用每个页面下方的按键进行导航,不要使用浏览器中的“前进”或“后退”按键,也不要使用屏幕左方的按键。
 Q8: Should I save my application before I submit it? Q8:在我递交申请之前我应该保存吗?
A8: YES! You should, if you can, save your application locally (to either your computer hard drive or a CD) before you submit your application. Saving your application locally is beneficial in two ways. First, if your application is rejected by the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for being incomplete, i.e., your application contains non-responsive answers or you failed to answer a critical question, you will be able