当前位置:美术高考 > 热门专业


日期:2010/1/19 网络

Art and Design

1 University College London 5B 386 68% 100

2 Brunel 4A 360 68% 97.2

3 Glasgow 4C 398 74% 96.6

4 Loughborough 4C 363 58% 91.7

5 Reading 5A 316 66% 91.2

6 Goldsmiths College 5B 307 64% 89.6

7 Edinburgh 437 68% 89

8 Oxford 4A 53% 88.3

9 Bangor 226 100% 87.4

10 Brighton 5B 295 59% 86.8

11 Salford 5*A 220 54% 85.6

12 Leeds 3aA 383 56% 85.4

13 Aberystwyth 3aA 297 44% 84.4

14 Dundee 4B 328 52% 84.1

15 Lancaster 3aC 345 52% 83.8

16 Kent 305 71% 83

17 Nottingham Trent 3aE 300 76% 82.4

18 Falmouth 3aE 275 67% 81.8

19 Kingston 4D 288 64% 81.7

20 Newcastle 4B 359 61% 81.6

21 Robert Gordon 3aD 313 59% 80.3

22 Westminster 4D 321 42% 79.8

23 Southampton 4C 359 52% 79.6

24 Bournemouth 5D 270 67% 79.1

25 Greenwich 244 75% 78.4

26 Coventry 3aD 286 56% 78

27 Heriot-Watt 3bB 312 66% 77.9

28 Northumbria 4D 276 60% 77.3

29 Ulster 5D 258 57% 77.1

30 University of the Arts, London 5D 323 52% 76.9

31 Napier 3aD 288 53% 75.8

32 Staffordshire 4D 248 45% 75.7

33 De Montfort 4C 255 50% 75.4

34 UWIC, Cardiff 4D 249 48% 75.3

=34 Chichester 2A 321 36% 75.3

36 Middlesex 3aC 225 55% 75.1

37 Teesside 240 51% 75

38 West of England 4D 250 44% 74.8

39 Leeds Metropolitan 3aD 241 51% 74

40 Sunderland 4C 247 53% 73.8

41 Derby 3bD 281 49% 73.7

42 Manchester Metropolitan 4E 266 51% 73.6

43 Portsmouth 3aD 254 44% 73.4

44 Sheffield Hallam 5C 257 46% 72.6

=44 Plymouth 3aC 260 47% 72.6

=44 Central Lancashire 3bE 248 60% 72.6

47 Birmingham City 4E 301 44% 72.4

48 Gloucestershire 3aC 270 41% 72.2

49 Glamorgan 234 63% 71.8

50 Buckinghamshire New 3aD 240 48% 71.2

51 Lincoln 3aD 266 45% 71.1

=51 Bath Spa 3aD 266 54% 71.1

=51 Northampton 2E 263 53% 71.1

54 London South Bank 239 49% 70.9

=54 Anglia Ruskin 3bA 251 47% 70.9

=54 Huddersfield 3bF 247 49% 70.9

57 UWCN, Newport 5E 247 54% 70.7

58 Bolton 2E 202 51% 70.5

=58 Southampton Solent 3bB 239 50% 70.5

60 Cumbria 3bE 249 51% 70.2

61 University College for Creative Arts 3aD 238 50% 69.9

62 Hertfordshire 3aD 248 50% 69.7

63 Worcester 250 56% 69.5

64 Thames Valley 1E 65% 69.2

65 Glasgow Caledonian 301 44% 68.7

66 Liverpool John Moores 3aC 216 50% 68.5

67 Chester 3bD 277 32% 68.2

68 East London 4D 179 58% 67.7

=68 Oxford Brookes 3bB 318 22% 67.7

70 Canterbury Christ Church 275 51% 66.2

71 Bedfordshire 232 45% 64.9

72 Wolverhampton 3aF 216 40% 63.1

73 York St John 251 44% 60.9

74 Essex 211 51% 56.3
