How to play great tremolo
What is tremolo?
Tremolo is not a technique. It is an effect produced when a certain type of arpeggio is employed.
n. pl. trem·o·los
A tremulous effect(!) produced by rapid repetition of a single tone (arpeggio)
Throughout this article I will treat this effect as any other arpeggio pattern. It should not be considered as else.
What is arpeggio?
Arpeggio is in essence the alternation betwen fingers plucking the strings in succession.
It is the base of RH technique, the absolute fundamental necessity for playing guitar and other plucked instruments.
Therefore it should be practiced with fundamental care as this technique is underlying every other action performed on the guitar.
A guitarist wants to achieve skills in scales, chords, tone and arpeggio.
Speed is no technique, and shouldn''t be sought after in the same way as the four base skills. Theres an article about speed in ''Guitar Classes''
How do I practice arpeggio (arp.)?
By correctly employing arp. patterns and practice them daily. Easy, eh?
Think of all the combinations you can play with your p, i, m and a fingers and multiply them with the number of strings on your guitar and then with the number of notes in succession.
Quite a few of these patterns can be discarded as useless towards the absolute most of the guitar repertoire. Some are basic exercises, which patterns concerned are to be found in most pieces and some are for the user to decide whether is relevant or not.
Relevancy is a key question in practicing arp. Given that basic exercises are employed daily it is of the highest importance to decide which arp. patterns is the most beneficial towards current and planned repertoire. Theres no better way to waste time and effort than when playing etudes and exercises that aren''t relevant to any pieces of music.
A good way to decide what etudes and exercises one should practice is to look for similarities in ones repertoire and the library of etudes/exercises available.
Setting up a ''base'' repertoire for etudes/exercises is slightly harder. Here one has to apply some common sense towards what ones goal and expectations of achievement is and just go by experience. One should pay attention to which combinations that are lesser used by the RH and strengthen these. This will in turn have a great impact on your playing and general technique. I.e. the a-m-a combo often is sub par.
I''m not particulary fond of giving examples on exercises, people tend to play through them and ask "whats next". Instead I want you to ask yourself "how can I use this information to improve my playing?".
A good starting point would be to download Giulianis 120 Right Hand Exercises here
Also for advanced guitarists some of the Villa-Lobos etudes are great.
The size of this base exercise repertoire is subject to what one wants to achieve. Again this is something one has to experience for oneself.
Note that Giulianis and other arp. exercises are by their simplicity highly effective, and can therefore be the highway to carpal tunnel syndrome and fatigue.
A short article about tension and methods to get rid of it is on the way.
how do I practice arp. to achieve great and fast tremolo?
Here''s a recipie:
- Build a good arp. base, Giulianis exercises will suffice
- Find or make exercises relevant to tremolo. These should cover all combinations of P, I, M and A. (e.g: p-a-m-i and rotation, p-m-i-a and rotation, p-i-m-a and rotation, p-a-m-i-m and rotations, p-m-a-m-i and rotations, and so on...)
[Why all these combos when all you need is p-a-m-i? In order to build a proper arp. which in turn leads to tremolo you have to do combos, or else you''ll invest time in some bastard technique that can''t be controlled regarding tempo, tone and such. Proper arp. leads to total control and fluency of the tremolo]
-Explore proper finger movement. The most popular approach is the staccato tremolo. Playing staccato slowly when intonating the arp pattern will make you prepare the string as fast as possible, making for the potential of speed, control and fluency much greater. Pair this up with relaxation (more about that in the ''Speed'' article).
- Practice these every day. Do not play with a metronome to increase speed. Instead aim to achieve full control and different palettes of tone colour. This goes for all arpeggio exercises: Never aim for speed.
Tremolo is no great technique, it''s just an effect that every other guy with some discipline and knowledge towards his exercises can get.
staccato is when you play notes separate from each other... it''s the oposite of legato ... legato=conected (laaalaaalaaalaaa)... staccato=separate(la la la la)...
断音就是当你弹奏音符时要把他们分开,和连奏正好相反。连奏的感觉是(laaalaaalaaalaaa)... 断奏是(la la la la)...
We use staccato in tremolo to ensure that the right hand fingers is properly prepared on the string before the next stroke. The choppiness will di